Anti-bullying week work in Y6
Year 6 have been refining their computing skills to create concept maps linked to Anti-bullying week. They produced these fabulous concept maps with ways to be nice to each other online. Great job!
Y6 Remembrance Poppy Watercolours
To mark remembrance day, Y6 drew poppies and used the watercolours to reflect the sombre and reflective mood of the day. They then outlined their designs to make them stand out and evaluated their work effectively.
Netball Festival
Well done to our fantastic netballers who had a great morning playing against other schools enabling them to develop their skills and have a lot of fun. We won two games and drew two!
Y6 practise their running technique
Y6 kicked off the final half-term of the summer term with their first athletics lesson with Mrs Mason. They learnt how to bounce lightly on their toes and place their arms in the correct position to optimise their best possible running style and technique.
Y6 Mental Health Nature Art Outdoors
Y6 enjoyed a morning outdoors in the fresh air using the nature in our school-yard to help them create some fantastic and highly imaginative artistic creations! It was a great way to end Mental Health Awareness Week.
Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week
To celebrate National Autism Awareness week, Y6 discussed what it’s like to be autistic and were really interested to understand and reflect on some of the challenges autistic people face in their lives. They also learned about the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness.
Y6 Science Week Art on Darwin
Year 6 have been working on their pencil control and shading skills in their art sketching work. They used the scientist Charles Darwin as inspiration to create portraits as he is our featured scientist during National Science Week.
Y6 Science Week
As part of National Science week, Year 6 have been learning about inventors and innovators. We had a great Science day making spaghetti skyscrapers and designing fabulous fliers. We learnt some really important lessons about the engineering of structures, how to make them strong and the…
Y6 World Book Day
Our Y6 children were asked to choose their favourite author and create a biography about their lives and achievements.
Y6 Lockdown Design and Technology
As part of their Design and Technology curriculum, the Y6 children who are learning from home were tasked with developing their own recipes and creating some delicious dishes in the kitchen. Dishes created ranged from cup-cakes to pizza and pasta dishes!
Y6 create Rainbows of Hope
Following the latest news that we will all be returning to school very soon, the children in Y6 created bright, rainbow posters to show their appreciation that normality is slowly returning!
Y6 celebrate Chinese New Year
Y6 have been learning about the significance of Chinese New Year. They learnt about some of the traditions and how it is celebrated across the world. Dragons are used in dance to show power and to chase away evil spirits and bad luck. In their art lesson, the children recreated their own dragon…