Image of Maths week in Reception
19 November 2021

Maths week in Reception

For Maths week Reception played lots of games with dice. We used a games sheet and added our own counters and characters to play the game and matched our dice to dominoes. Maths in Reception is lots of fun!

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Image of Reception bonfire celebrations
5 November 2021

Reception bonfire celebrations

Reception and Nursery celebrated Bonfire night with some fireworks and sparklers and even a hot chocolate. In the afternoon Reception also made their own chocolate apples. Happy Bonfire night.


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Image of Reception Move Up Day
12 July 2021

Reception Move Up Day

Reception class enjoyed a lovely morning trying out their new Year 1 classroom.  We made England flags, paper chains and sang football songs.  We enjoyed working on some art work that will be in our class when we return in September.  Our favourite part was playing on the new castle.   Mrs Robson…

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Image of A Rumpus in Reception!
23 May 2021

A Rumpus in Reception!

Our topic of Where the Wild Things Are has come to an end! We have used Story Telling Language to improve the words we use when we tell and write stories.  We have created environments that included islands and seaweed for magical creatures and had lots of fun thinking about Wild Things!  We…

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Image of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
9 February 2021

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

We had lots of fun this week! Our story was the Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson and we used this to think about our PSHE, particularly mental health.  We did lots of talking about emotions and what makes us happy! We know that we must talk about worries if we have them but we can also…

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Image of Magic from Our Reception Children
2 February 2021

Magic from Our Reception Children

Along with their work on shape and number and following all their Speed Sound sessions, the Reception children talked about the Gruffalo’s friend, the kind witch, who invited all her animal friends to share her broom until it was too heavy and it snapped in two!  The children were challenged to…

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Image of Nursery and Reception learning about Crab Fair
19 September 2019

Nursery and Reception learning about Crab Fair

Nursery and Reception have been learning about Crab Fair. We made some apple cakes using Crab apples in Nursery. Then the children went to Reception and we had champion gurner, Claire Spedding Lister come in to teach the children how to gurn. They all had a turn at gurning if they wanted to using…

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Image of Making sensory bottles
1 July 2019

Making sensory bottles

In the final art and craft club of the term the Reception children made sensory bottles. They chose the items they wanted to put inside them then the colour of the water they wanted inside it. They were all amazed at what happened when they turned them upside down.


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Image of Reception Art and Craft Club
25 June 2019

Reception Art and Craft Club

The Reception made dancing snakes in art and craft club this week. They designed and cut out their snakes then moved them in the air to dance to some music.


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Image of Reception Art and Craft Club
17 June 2019

Reception Art and Craft Club

This week in Art and Craft Club the Reception children decorated masks using a variety of materials.


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Image of Reception Art and Craft Club
10 June 2019

Reception Art and Craft Club

At the first art and craft club of the half term, Reception children made a rosette for their dads to celebrate the upcoming Father’s Day.


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