Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors
Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors gave an assembly today all about food waste. We learnt that everyday in the UK we throw away 24 million slices of bread, 5.9 million glasses of milk and 5.8 million potatoes. Our Ambassadors would like us all to try and waste less food by only serving up what we can…
Phunky foods after school club KS2
This half term Phunky foods club has been for our KS2 children. We have made oaty biscuits, bread, tortilla pizzas, granola fruit salad and even chocolate muffins. We spoke about healthy options and the importance of exercise too. The children learnt new skills such as cutting with a knife,…
Phunky Foods 2022
Over the last half term we have had a Key Stage 2 group of children take part in Phunky Foods.
Week 1
We started by making some no bake cereal bars. They include oats/cereal, brown sugar and syrup to bind it all together. The ingredients list was in cups. We looked at a few different…
Y3 Eat well plates
Y3 have been learning about healthy eating during Phunky Foods and making their own ‘Eat Eat Well’ plates.
Phunky Fit
We had a great time at Phunky Fit Club today with Harriet from Phunky Foods. We made ‘Broccoli and Pea Salad’ which involved chopping, weighing and measuring out the ingredients. Harriet taught us how to chop safely and we learnt which food groups all the ingredients belong in. We all tasted…
Phunkyfit Club
At the final Phunkyfit club for Year 1 and 2 children, we made bagel faces. We found out about the foods we were using and how they are good for us. We chose then cut fruit and vegetables to make the facial features. Finally, we placed them on bagels along with soft cheese to make the faces. They…
Phunky Fit with Year 1
This week in Phunky Fit club the Year 1 children made an alternative breakfast called Get Up and Go Smoothies. They found out all the different ingredients and why they are good for our bodies.
Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1
In the first Phunky Fit club the Year 1 and 2 children made fruit and yogurt granola pots. Everyone tried some fruit they were unfamiliar with and decided which fruit they would add to make their pot. The children cut the fruit then topped it with some yogurt and granola. The fruit and yogurt…