Nursery Celebrate St Francis
Today Nursery have been learning about St Francis. We looked at different pictures of St Francis and noticed that he was often surrounded by birds.
The children had a go at threading some cheerios onto a pipe cleaner and pegged them into the tree for the birds to eat. I wonder what birds we…
Nursery: Self Portraits
This week some of our children have enjoyed looking in the mirror and then using different loose materials to create their very own self portrait.
Nursery: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week in Nursery we have been exploring the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears’
We have been making the three bears using different clothing puzzle pieces. We loved changing their outfits!
Nursery: Baking Gingerbread Men
Last week in Nursery we read the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ then we had a go at baking our very own. Luckily ours didn’t run away!
Our first few days in Nursery
What a wonderful first few days back in Nursery we have had! We have loved to meet all our new children and families.
We have explored the Nursery provision both inside and out, had a go at dough disco, sang Nursery rhymes and loved being outside in the sunshine!
Nursery Class of 2024
Our Nursery 1 children, Class of 2024!
We are beyond proud of all your hard work this year! You have all grown so much and we have seen your little personalities shine!
We wish you all the luck as you move up to Reception in September!
Nursery 2024: The Ratty
Our Nursery 1 children loved their trip on ‘The Ratty’ today!
We loved singing songs on the bus ride to The Ratty. We watched out the train windows for different animals on the way. Once there, we enjoyed a picnic lunch before playing on the play park and returning on the train.
Nursery Book Bus Visit
Some of our younger Nursery children enjoyed a visit to the book bus yesterday afternoon.
They listened to a lovely story before choosing some books to bring back to Nursery and share with everyone.
Move up Day to Reception 2024
Our Nursery children enjoyed a ‘move up day’ into Reception. We read some stories, made pirate hats and drew self portraits and explored the provision. We had lots of fun getting to know Mrs Palmer, Mrs Bear and Mrs Leslie.
Bees in the trees EYFS
We had a visit from ‘Bees in the trees’ for Reception and Nursery. The beekeeper taught us all about drone bees, worker bees and the queen bee. The children learnt all about larva and pupa and how the eggs develop. We then looked at what bees eat and the children got close up view of the bees.
Nursery: The Suitcase Story
This week in Nursery our older children have been reading the story ‘The Suitcase’.
In the story an animal is travelling with his suitcase, and he shares with the others what he has in it.
The children were keen to share what they thought he would have with him and were shocked when he…
Nursery: Maths Patterns
We have had lots of fun so far this week using the multi link cubes to make an AB repeating pattern.
At first some of the cubes were a bit tricky to click together but we got the hang of it in the end.