Kidz Fit Year 4
An active morning was enjoyed by Year 4 with Kidz Fit. They learned lots of different ways to lead an active healthy lifestyle
Year 3 enjoyed the County School Sports
Some of our Year 3 children represented our school at the County School Sports event. They enjoyed many different Golf games and won medals at the end. They loved meeting the mascot, Spirit. Well done everyone.
Phunky Foods 2022
Over the last half term we have had a Key Stage 2 group of children take part in Phunky Foods.
Week 1
We started by making some no bake cereal bars. They include oats/cereal, brown sugar and syrup to bind it all together. The ingredients list was in cups. We looked at a few different…
Move Up To Year 2 Day
What an enjoyable morning the children spent in Year 2! They listened to the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds then explored it’s message to have a positive mindset and simply try things they think they cannot do. They created their own artwork using a dot as a starting point then wrote a…
Nursery transition morning in Reception
The Nursery children who are starting in our Reception class in September had a great time for transition morning in Reception. We read the story of the ‘Colour Monster’ and we then made face biscuits with different feelings. The children drew a self portrait of themselves and had lots of time in…
KS2 Rounders Club
KS2 children have enjoyed learning how to play rounders in our after school club. They have learnt batting and fielding skills and all enjoyed playing lots of matches.
Year 5 / 6 KidzFit
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic morning with KidzFit. They learnt all about how our bodies work and the benefits of regular exercise. They learnt how to skip, hoopla-hoop and how to improve their co-ordination and balance. We finished off with some relaxing yoga.
Nursery Sports Day 2022
What a super sports day we have had in Nursery. We painted our faces with stripes to show which colour team we were in. Once we were ready we got into our teams and went outside to cheer on Reception. Then, it was our turn to race. We waited patiently in our teams until it was our turn to go. We…
2022 Sports Day in Year 2
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their sports day. They showed good teamwork, determination, respect, passion and self-belief as they competed and supported each other. Congratulations to the Red team.
Reception Sports Day 2022
Reception took part in their Sports Day with Nursery. They were all put into coloured teams of red, yellow, blue or green. Each of the children took part in an egg and spoon race, a bean bag race and a jumping in hoops race. We had lots of fun with Nursery as our audience and then we watched…
Year 3 Sports Day
Year 3 had a great time at Sports Day today. Each team did their best and ended with an ice cream. Well done to our winners Red Team and a huge well done to all children who competed.
Year 5 Sports Day
Year 5 had a great time at Sports Day today. They put all the skills they have been learning throughout the year in PE into practice. It was lovely to see everyone joining in and encouraging their team mates. Well done to the Red Team for winning! ⭐️