Image of Library Visit
21 March 2019

Library Visit

Year One have had a great time today visiting Egremont library.  We shared a couple of books together then chose books we thought we may like to read ourselves to take home.


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Image of Signs of Spring
20 March 2019

Signs of Spring

What a perfect way to celebrate the first day of Spring than to go for a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of new life and growth!


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Image of Y4/6 Tree planting
20 March 2019

Y4/6 Tree planting

Y4 and some Y6 have had a wonderful time planting trees by the River Ehen. They learnt about the importance of trees in the environment and planted a grand total of 700! We also got to see the Cumbria Rivers Trust’s  new van with Jensen’s design on it!


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Image of Nursery's giant items
18 March 2019

Nursery's giant items

After reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk some of the children made giant items for the giant. They made giant watches, giant ties and bows and even some giant glasses. 


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Image of Nursery role play
18 March 2019

Nursery role play

Our Nursery role play has now changed into a hairdressers. The children have had lots of fun doing each other’s hair and role playing in there. We even now have some pretend hair dryers and straighteners now too. 


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Image of Nursery’s Science Experiment
18 March 2019

Nursery’s Science Experiment

Nursery watched a science experiment outside for Science day. The children watched as Mrs Palmer dropped some mints into a bottle of Pepsi. The mints then reacted and made the Pepsi shoot out like a fountain. All the children screamed and laughed as they didn’t know what was going to…

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Image of Reading rewards
15 March 2019

Reading rewards

Congratulations to all the Reception children who earned a rainbow stripe for reading five times or more at home. Keep up the hard work!

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Image of Y4 Science Week
14 March 2019

Y4 Science Week

As part of science week year 4 made helicopters. They had fun finding out what happened when different numbers of paper clips were added. They discovered that the helicopters spun faster as more paper clips were added but actually took longer to reach the ground!


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Image of Year 2 & 6 Science Week
13 March 2019

Year 2 & 6 Science Week

As part of Science Week, Year 2 joined Year 6 to carry out some experiments together. Lots of fun was had exploring different designs of helicopters by varying numbers of propellers and propeller lengths to find which designs had the best aerodynamics. Next they investigated how to make bubbles as…

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Image of Year 1 The Last Supper
13 March 2019

Year 1 The Last Supper

We have been looking at the story of the Last Supper this week. We heard the story from the Bible and then acted out the scene. 

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Image of Reception Science Day
13 March 2019

Reception Science Day

As part of their work on 'The Gingerbread Man', Reception investigated what would happen if the gingerbread man had swam across the river. They all predicted what would happen first. Some of the predictions were right but there was one surprise. The gingerbread man grew in size before starting to…

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Image of Y5 British Science Day 2019
13 March 2019

Y5 British Science Day 2019

Calling all Science Professors. A day filled with research and investigations! Firstly, we researched Lunar Buggies used to explore the moon and designed our own prototypes to be constructed. Then we investigated which boat would have the greatest buoyancy and carry the most marbles. Finally, we…

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