Image of Attendance Race Winners!
19 October 2018

Attendance Race Winners!

Congratulations to Y6 who are the overall winners of this half term’s class attendance race. They were delighted to receive a frisby each as a reward. Well done!

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Image of Y6 Library Visit
18 October 2018

Y6 Library Visit

Y6 spent an afternoon at the library today. They returned to school with a selection of books of their choice after enjoying listening to a chapter or two of our class novel - Street Child. 

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Image of Y6 Water Workshop
12 October 2018

Y6 Water Workshop

Y6 spent an interesting morning with Jenny from United Utilities. They learnt about saving water and where our water comes from. We were all surprised to learn that running the tap whilst brushing our teeth wastes on average 18 litres of water!

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Image of Y3 and Y6 buddies
2 October 2018

Y3 and Y6 buddies

As part of our RE work on being good shepherds, Y3 spent a lovely afternoon in Y6 getting to know their new “buddies”. Each younger child has been assigned a Y6 role model to keep them safe and offer a friendly face to them in KS2. 

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Image of Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy
21 September 2018

Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy

Year 6 enjoyed taking part in a lovely prayer and liturgy session this morning, planned and led by Ellie and Lexi. Their theme was “Following in God’s Footsteps”. The whole class experienced quiet reflection time in a circle and all the children responded and joined in by lighting a candle and…

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Image of Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch
10 September 2018

Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch

Year 6 showed off their athleticism and enthusiasm with Mr Blanks on the yard today. They are aiming to run/power walk a mile every single day to get fit in our whole school Mile A Day Challenge. 100 miles in a 100 days......easy!

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Image of Y6 End of year trip to Lowther Castle
18 July 2018

Y6 End of year trip to Lowther Castle

The happy smiling faces say it all! A super day was had by all at Lowther Castle, Penrith; the perfect way to end the school year and our wonderful Y6’s primary school years. 

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Image of Y6 Leavers’ Trip to St Bees
12 July 2018

Y6 Leavers’ Trip to St Bees

Our Y6 children have had a gorgeous day in the sun at St Bees as a treat for outstanding SATs results. We started our trip with a fun session in the pool at St Bees school then walked to the beach to continue our day. First stop was the park where packed lunches were devoured and then we ventured…

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Image of Y5-6 Move Up Afternoon
11 July 2018

Y5-6 Move Up Afternoon

Our Y5 children enjoyed an afternoon sampling life in Y6. They used oil-pastels to create fantastic self-portraits of themselves - what an arty bunch! Then asked lots of sensible questions about Y6.

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Image of Y6 Kwik Cricket County Finals
6 July 2018

Y6 Kwik Cricket County Finals

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Robson were delighted to take 8 of our Y6 boys to the Kwik Cricket Finals at Keswick. The boys played brilliantly and came runners up in their group, narrowly missing out on a place in the semi-final. The sun shone and we were able to enjoy a picnic between games. There was even…

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Image of Y6 R.E. Workshop
19 June 2018

Y6 R.E. Workshop

Year 6 were joined by their parents for an afternoon creating Holy Spirit doves. The children enjoyed teaching their families about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and showing off their beautiful work and learning in their R.E. books. 

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Image of World Cup Fever Grips Y6
19 June 2018

World Cup Fever Grips Y6

Year 6 have enjoyed learning about the 32 countries involved in the World Cup. They have plotted the countries on a world map and used our class atlases to research each country’s flag. The classroom was a riot of colour and paint as we enjoyed a morning of flag painting!

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