Image of Y6 Outdoor Revision!
3 May 2019

Y6 Outdoor Revision!

Who said SATs revision had to be boring? Y6 showed off all their hard work and knowledge this afternoon as they gravitated the yard with chalk. 

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Image of Y6 Year of the Eucharist Collage
22 March 2019

Y6 Year of the Eucharist Collage

Y6 were joined today by children from St Mary’s Kells and St Joseph’s at Frizington to create a collage of flowers to mark The Year of the Eucharist. We enjoyed making new friends and ended the day with some fun in the hall with the parachutes. 

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Image of Y6 World Book Day
7 March 2019

Y6 World Book Day

Y6 have enjoyed World Book Day. We had a wonderful collection of characters today including: Anne of Green Gables, Gangsta Granny, Willy Wonka and Dennis the Menace! Super efforts all round. 

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Image of Y6 Play in a Day
1 March 2019

Y6 Play in a Day

The whole school were treated to a unique production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Y6 this afternoon. The children worked all day on creating their amazing performance. They had to memorise lines and showed huge confidence in standing up in front of an audience. What an incredibly talented group of…

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Image of Y6 Maths Games Afternoon
8 February 2019

Y6 Maths Games Afternoon

Y6 ended another busy week by putting their mental arithmetic and timestables skills and knowledge into practise by spending the afternoon challenging each other to a series of Maths games. 

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Image of Y6 Magistrates Court Visit
17 January 2019

Y6 Magistrates Court Visit

Y6 were invited to visit the Magistrates Court at Workington today to learn about our justice system. They took part in a real court case and even got the chance to look at the cells downstairs. Charlotte (one of the Magistrates) commented that they were the best class she has ever worked…

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Image of Y6 Christmas Jumper Day
14 December 2018

Y6 Christmas Jumper Day

Y6 have had a lovely festive day wearing their Christmas jumpers. Well done on such a super effort!

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Image of Y6 Microorganism investigation
12 December 2018

Y6 Microorganism investigation

Today Year 6 carried out an investigation into how microorganisms spread. We had great fun using green paint to represent mucus and exploring the best ways to prevent spreading germs. We found out that washing with soap, warm water and drying carefully was the best way to stop microorganisms from…

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Image of Our visit to St Mary’s
30 November 2018

Our visit to St Mary’s

Year 6 had a lovely visit to St Mary’s School where we joined in a mass celebrating the Year of the Eucharist.

We then joined their year 6 class for the day and participated in painting a monstrance, making an advent bauble and planning a prayer and liturgy.  We are looking forward to them…

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Image of Y6 Children in Need
15 November 2018

Y6 Children in Need

You’re never too old to meet Pudsey Bear!

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Image of Y6 War Poetry
9 November 2018

Y6 War Poetry

As part of our week of remembrance, Y6 have studied the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by the famous war poet Wilfred Owen. They used his thought provoking poem to create their own poetry which is both beautifully written and moving.  

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Image of Y6 Anti-bullying day
8 November 2018

Y6 Anti-bullying day

To show our support for anti-bullying week, the children in Y6 dressed in blue and created posters to spread the message of friendship around our school. If you’re passing Year 6’s window, have a look at their super work which is proudly on display!

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