Working together to play games
In R.E. we have been thinking about things we do together at home and in school including how we support and encourage each other during these activities. Then we went outdoors to work together to play some ring games: The Farmer’s in his Den, Ring-a-Ring of Roses, Duck Duck Goose and Crossing the…
First gymnastics session
Reception took part in their first gymnastics session today. They learned how to perform some of the basic moves and shapes such as the star, pencil, pike, straddle and the forward roll.
Reading rewards
Well done to all the Reception children who earned a stripe on their reading rainbow by reading five times or more at home this week. Keep up the good work and let’s see who can fill their rainbow with stripes to win a prize at the end of term.
Maths and Computing
Today the Reception children used their knowledge of position and direction to help them program the BeeBots to travel along an activity mat. They had great fun exploring what BeeBot can do!
Talk for Writing - The Three Little Pigs
This week Reception have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ using actions, storytelling spoons, props in the tuff tray and story maps. Today the children were shown how to draw a story map then had a go at drawing their own story maps on a large scale. They have all taken…
Reception visit church
As part of our work on celebrations in R.E., Reception went to church to find artefacts that are used as part of a celebration. They found the different features in the church very interesting and found out some facts about them too.
Let’s dance!
This half term Reception are working on learning some basic dance moves. Today’s lesson had some challenging combinations in them but this did not stop the children from trying their best throughout.
Messy Maths
Some of the Reception children went outdoors for their Maths lesson. They practised their number recognition and counting skills by collecting a number of objects in a numbered plant pot. Great fun was had by everyone!
Castles session
Reception visited Tullie House for a castles session. They listened to a story about a giant’s castle then went to explore the museum to see if they could find the giant’s cat. There were lots of activities in the classroom for the children to take part in too. They had great fun building castles…
Reception Parent Afternoon
This afternoon the Reception children took great pride in sharing their learning journeys with parents and family. Then they worked in the provision, outdoors and indoors, to share more learning experiences together.
The Kindness Elves last days in Reception.
Yesterday the Kindness Elves asked the Reception children to wish everyone they meet a Merry Christmas. The children shared their Christmas wishes with each other and the kitchen staff.
Today the children were very surprised to find a present along with a note from the Kindness Elves. The Elves…
What have the Kindness Elves been up to this week!
This week the Kindness Elves asked Reception to make a Christmas decoration for a friend or family member.Today we have been helping each other to take photos of ourselves using the Christmas photo props. We have had such a giggle!