Nursery Outdoor Mark Making
Nursery have been trying out our new outdoor mark making tools. With large paper and paint the children made different patterns with the tools. They had so much fun!
Nursery exploring sea creatures
In Nursery we have been learning about sea creatures that go on a journey in the water. In our messy tray the children had the opportunity to look at different types of fish and prawns. We looked at their eyes, fins and even had a feel of their teeth. The children really enjoyed exploring with all…
Nursery Having Fun in the Provision
The Nursery children had lots of fun last week in both the indoor and outdoor provision.
Nursery's favourite places to visit
This week in Nursery we have been talking about our favourite places to go and visit. The children drew a picture of their favourite place and we talked about it in circle time.
EYFS Sports Day
Nursery thoroughly threw themselves into every race at this year’s sports day and did themselves proud. Congratulations to them all!
Dinosaur Galore!
After being given a generous donation of hundreds of dinosaurs, from one of our Nursery parents, we created an area for them to live in. The children have really enjoyed playing with them in the different textures, such as mud and sand. It has really helped them to learn new vocabulary too. The…
Nursery's new role play
Nursery now have a Police Station as their new role play. They have had so much fun putting each other in jail, using stamps in the Police office and dressing up.
Nursery’s Royal Wedding
Nursery children got to witness the ACTUAL wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today! The Queen even showed up! They all had a great day celebrating!
Nursery Star of the Week
Nursery Star of the Week
Louie Smith
Well done, we're proud of you
The new stage
Nursery children are loving the new stage in their room.
There are certainly a few superstars among them!
Visit from the giant
Nursery have had a visit from the giant today!
He left some golden chocolate eggs for the children, so he must be a good giant