Image of Year 5 Design and Technology Day
9 July 2021

Year 5 Design and Technology Day

Year 5 designed and made a ‘Marble Run’ on our design and technology day. They used junk materials and enjoyed the challenge of  re-designing their models in order to ensure the marble could run through freely. 

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Image of Year 5 Cricket
9 July 2021

Year 5 Cricket

Year 5 have enjoyed learning how to play cricket with Mr. Semphill.

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Image of Walk To School Week 2021
23 May 2021

Walk To School Week 2021

Lots of us enjoyed the benefits of walking to school this week to support ‘Walk to School Week’. The theme was ‘Walking Super Powers’. We learnt how walking has the power to make our bodies healthier and stronger, it helps power our brains, reduces traffic and therefore pollution and has a…

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Image of Y5 Mental Health Awareness
16 May 2021

Y5 Mental Health Awareness

Year 5 dressed in green to raise awareness of the importance of nature in keeping us happy and healthy. We talked about how nature can help with our mental health and heard lots of lovely stories of the things we do outdoors. We wrote these down and made a class poster so everyone can enjoy…

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Image of Bringing Nature Into Our Lives
13 May 2021

Bringing Nature Into Our Lives

Year 5 enjoyed collecting items from nature to create their own ‘Nature Collages’. We discussed how being outdoors and appreciating the wonders of nature help us feel happier. 

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Image of Y5 Catapults
7 May 2021

Y5 Catapults

Y5 have been learning about levers in science and how useful they are in everyday life. We made catapults to learn how levers work and had a competition to see who could project a marshmallow the furthest distance. 

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Image of Y5 Easter Prayer and Liturgy
1 April 2021

Y5 Easter Prayer and Liturgy

Some of our Y5 girls acted out the story of the crucifixion in Prayer and Liturgy. We all had time to think about the sacrifice Jesus made for us and reflected on sacrifices we make in our lives for others.


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Image of Year 5 Autism Awareness Week 2021
30 March 2021

Year 5 Autism Awareness Week 2021

Year 5 have been learning about autism as part of ‘Autism Awareness Week’. They wrote these lovely acrostic poems to share their understanding of autism. 

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Image of Year 5 Cricket Engagement Day
28 March 2021

Year 5 Cricket Engagement Day

Year 5 enjoyed a cricket engagement day with Chad from Chance to Shine Cricket. They learnt the basic throwing and catching skills for cricket then had a great game of Quick Cricket.  

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Image of The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
28 March 2021

The Year of St. Joseph Year 5

Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.

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Image of Year 5 Water Resistance
28 March 2021

Year 5 Water Resistance

During their work on water resistance Year 5 were set the challenge of making the same piece of blu tac sink and float. They discovered that they had to increase the surface area of the blu tac in order to increase the upthrust of the water then it would float.



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Image of St.Patrick’s Day in Y5
18 March 2021

St.Patrick’s Day in Y5

Year 5’s class saint is St. Patrick so we had a wonderful day on 17th March learning all about him. Mrs. Smith told us all a about the celebrations that occur in Ireland on St. Patrick’s day and we were surprised to hear that it is a national holiday on that day! We were also treated to some Irish…

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