Image of Reception’s Professor Pumpernickel show
17 March 2022

Reception’s Professor Pumpernickel show

Reception watched a Science show by Professor Pumpernickel. He taught them lots of things about Science and how things work and as you can tell by their faces, the children really enjoyed the show. There was fire, smoke and exploding canons, what more could you ask for? 

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Image of Reception’s animal homes
17 March 2022

Reception’s animal homes

We have been learning about the topic, ‘Animals big and small’ in Reception. The children designed and made their own animal homes using different construction materials. We have been learning about different animals habitats and the different countries that animals live in. 

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Image of Reception’s visit to church
17 March 2022

Reception’s visit to church

After learning about what happens in a church, Reception visited our church next door, St Mary’s. We looked at the different statues, the altar and talked about how the font was used for christenings. The children also made the sign of the cross using the holy water. We loved having a look around…

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Image of D&T in Reception 2022
4 March 2022

D&T in Reception 2022

In D&T this week we have been learning how to safely use a hammer and nails and some pliers. The children all wore safety glasses and jackets. We learnt how to hold a nail correctly when using a hammer and how to pull a nail out using pliers. I think we definitely have some future builders! 

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Image of World Book Day Reception 2022
4 March 2022

World Book Day Reception 2022

In Reception we celebrated World Book day by reading our favourite stories and dressing up as our favourite character. The children had a story while drinking some hot chocolate and Year 3 even came into our class and shared some stories with us. 

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Image of St Bridget’s Art in Reception
10 February 2022

St Bridget’s Art in Reception

In Reception we were learning about St Bridget on her feast day on the 1st February. The children found out that she was very kind and that she helped others and she was also known as St Bridget from Ireland. They then created her special cloak making their own piece of patchwork art. What a…

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Image of Ladybird Maths
30 January 2022

Ladybird Maths

In Maths we have been learning about how to find different ways to make numbers. We made different numbers with objects, dots and using dominoes. The children then made their own ladybirds and added a number of dots to each one. 

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Image of Our clay aliens
30 January 2022

Our clay aliens

Our topic in Reception at the moment is Space. We have been making rockets and tissue paper planets and we made our own aliens out of the clay. The children rolled the clay and then used their hands and mark making tools to make their aliens. We left them to air dry and then painted them our…

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Image of Gymnastics with apparatus in Reception
21 January 2022

Gymnastics with apparatus in Reception

In Reception we have started our gymnastics sessions using the apparatus. We have been developing our skills in jumping, climbing, balancing and rolling. We also had to use our skills of taking turns and waiting our turn. The children have made lots of progress and built up their confidence…

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Image of Reception’s party day 2021
4 January 2022

Reception’s party day 2021

Reception had a party to celebrate Christmas. We had an afternoon tea of party food and played party games such as musical chairs, bumps, statues and pin the nose on Santa. What a great party! 

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Image of Reception Christmas jumper and craft day 2021
4 January 2022

Reception Christmas jumper and craft day 2021

On Christmas jumper day Reception took part in some Christmas crafts and also had a special visit from Santa. 

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Image of Reception’s Nativity 2021
4 January 2022

Reception’s Nativity 2021

Our Reception’s Nativity of Little Blue Star. We are so proud of all of our Reception children. 

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