African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 had a fantastic time learning about African Drumming with Zozo. They learnt that the drum is called ‘djembe’ and how to tap it correctly. Year 1 loved learning the song ‘Ranky Tank’ and listening to Zozo’s stories. Everyone is looking forward to the next lesson.
Musical Reception
Reception have been learning how to keep a rhythm in music by clapping our hands or tapping our knees. We learnt the song, ‘Pat a cake’ and some actions to match. We first did this on our own and then found a partner to do the actions with. The children really enjoyed the partner game where you…
Ukulele in Year 5
Year 5 have enjoyed their first ukulele lesson today. They learnt the difference between rhythm and pulse and practised playing short and long sounds in time with a song. They also learnt how to hold the ukulele correctly. They were all so enthusiastic and keen to join
Ukulele Performance By Year 5
This year, Year 5 have been learning how to play the ukulele. Throughout the year they have learnt how to play a total of 5 chords which is great progress for an academic year. Using these chords they were able to play songs from Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons and Bill Withers at their end of year…
Drumming with Zozo
Year 1 enjoyed their final drumming lesson with Zozo. They celebrated all their new drumming skills and progress they have made together. Zozo told more magical stories that involved interaction with movement. They enjoyed learning more African songs and playing games together. Year 1 have…
African Drumming with Zozo
Year 1 welcomed back Zozo to learn more about African drumming. Year 1 took part in call and response songs. They learnt to maintain a steady pulse through accompanying songs with clapping. The children enjoyed Zozo’s interactive story telling. Year 1 have developed their skills and confidence in…
African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 welcomed African Drumming teacher Zozo into class. Zozo explained that an African drum is called a ‘Djembe’. Zozo shared some African stories and taught some African songs that Year 1 drummed along to. Year 1 had a fantastic experience and are looking forward to the next lesson.
Call and Response in Music
This afternoon the children explored cal and responses in music. They used untuned percussion instruments to create responses to calls. Then they composed calls and used notation to record their calls.
Music instruments in Reception
We have been learning to play musical instruments in Reception such as shakers, bells, wooden blocks and triangles. The children were taught the signals to play the instruments loud and quiet and fast and slow. We then played the instruments along with singing our favourite Nursery rhymes.
Music and feelings in Nursery
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been listening to different types of music and talking about how they make us feel - happy, calm, sad. Our favourite types of music have been the ones that make us feel happy and calm.
We have also had a go at making marks on paper to show the type of…
African Drumming with Zozo
Zozo returned for our final session learning and playing the African ‘Djembe’ drums. Zozo reviewed all the previous learning and celebrated the learning achieved. Year 1 followed Zozo’s rhythms and copied the patterns. Then Year 1 enjoyed listening to an African story where some children were…
African Drumming with Zozo
Today we welcomed back Zozo to continue our learning playing African Drums. We learnt about the syllables in our names and used the Djembe (drums) to create the beats. We learnt how to hold an open hand position on the Djembe. Zozo taught a new song about a chicken and we loved putting actions to…