Coding with Year 2
Year 2 enjoyed their first coding lesson of the year. They recalled their knowledge of coding from Year 1 before entering code to create an algorithm to control traffic at an airport as well as enter code in any of a collision. They cannot wait to see what they will be doing in their next coding…
Coding in Computing Club
This week in computing club the Reception and Key Stage 1 children used their knowledge of using the programmable floor robot, BeeBot, and transferred this to using the BeeBot app. They created a sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to navigate BeeBot through different themed settings while…
Computing Club: World Book Day digital artwork
The Reception and Key Stage 1 children who attended Computing club on World Book Day explored the various painting tools in the 2Paint program. They used these tools to create their own digital artwork of their favourite characters from books they know. Afterwards they spent some time exploring…
Computing Club
At the first Computing Club of this half term the Key Stage 2 children were coding. They created code to create a dance party. They were led through multiple challenges by coding experts from the dance and music industry. They made characters move, change size and change colour. They also added…