Image of World Book Day 2022 in Y6
3 March 2022

World Book Day 2022 in Y6

Y6 enjoyed a day of books and fun on World Book Day this year. As well as dressing up in costumes from their favourite books they spent the afternoon sharing books with the children in Y1. 

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Image of Design and Technology in Y6
1 March 2022

Design and Technology in Y6

Y6’s Design and Technology topic this term asked the question: How string is a piece of spaghetti? The children refined their engineering and design skills by experimenting with ways to make the strongest type of structures to hold a selection of weights. They discovered that strong bases and…

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Image of Y6 Play in a Day 2022
11 February 2022

Y6 Play in a Day 2022

Y6 were lucky enough to be joined by Jason from the Lynx theatre company to work on their own production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The children have been studying this text in their English lessons and after a day of lots of rehearsals and hard work they were able to produce and perform the whole…

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Image of Anti-bullying week work in Y6
19 November 2021

Anti-bullying week work in Y6

Year 6 have been refining their computing skills to create concept maps linked to Anti-bullying week. They produced these fabulous concept maps with ways to be nice to each other online. Great job! 

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Image of Y6 Remembrance Poppy Watercolours
12 November 2021

Y6 Remembrance Poppy Watercolours

To mark remembrance day, Y6 drew poppies and used the watercolours to reflect the sombre and reflective mood of the day. They then outlined their designs to make them stand out and evaluated their work effectively. 

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Image of Y6 Fun at Walby Farm Park
15 October 2021

Y6 Fun at Walby Farm Park

Y6 had an absolutely fantastic day at Walby Farm Park. We explored the new wooden fort and then after lunch enjoyed time in the indoor play barn. We conquered lots of our fears on the giant red slide!

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Image of Y6 Class Novel
10 October 2021

Y6 Class Novel

Y6 are thoroughly enjoying their Autumn term class novels Street Child by Berlie Dougherty. 
The novel tells the story of a Victorian street orphan who is fighting for his life on the dirty streets of London. Y6 are enjoying every chapter and have found endless opportunities for writing from the…

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Image of Y6 Trashion Show
9 July 2021

Y6 Trashion Show

Y6 enjoyed a design and technology day creating “fashion” from recyclable items. The theme was “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and they certainly did that. Working in small teams, they created a selection of weird and wonderful items of clothing and showed their designs off on the cat-walk. 

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Image of Y6 practise their running technique
7 June 2021

Y6 practise their running technique

Y6 kicked off the final half-term of the summer term with their first athletics lesson with Mrs Mason. They learnt how to bounce lightly on their toes and place their arms in the correct position to optimise their best possible running style and technique. 


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Image of Y6 Mental Health Nature Art Outdoors
16 May 2021

Y6 Mental Health Nature Art Outdoors

Y6 enjoyed a morning outdoors in the fresh air using the nature in our school-yard to help them create some fantastic and highly imaginative artistic creations! It was a great way to end Mental Health Awareness Week. 

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Image of Y6 Mental Health Week Art inspired by nature
11 May 2021

Y6 Mental Health Week Art inspired by nature

To mark the start of Mental Health Awareness Week (this year’s theme is Nature), our Y6 children used oil pastels and worked on their shading and shadowing techniques to create these calm and peaceful, nature-inspired pictures. 

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Image of Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week
1 April 2021

Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week

To celebrate National Autism Awareness week, Y6 discussed what it’s like to be autistic and were really interested to understand and reflect on some of the challenges autistic people face in their lives. They also learned about the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness. 

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