Reception PE in Autumn 1
This half term in PE, Reception have been learning about different ways of moving, such as crawling, rolling, walking and jogging. We then learnt how to use different equipment and move around the hall with it. The children used a bean bag, a large football and a tennis ball. They learnt how to…
Giving directions using Beebots
In Computing we have been learning about giving directions using Beebots. The children were shown how to use the Beebot buttons to move forwards, backwards, left and right. The children then pressed the buttons to direct the Beebot around the mat. We had to remember to press the ‘X’ button to…
Run, run as fast as you can…
After reading the story of, ‘The Gingerbread Man’ the children made their own gingerbread people. We mixed all the ingredients together to make the dough, then rolled it out and cut out the gingerbread shapes with cutters. We then put them in the oven, but they tried to escape! Luckily we caught…
Autumn crafting in Reception
This half term in Reception we have been learning about the season of Autumn. The children brought in lots of Autumn things they had found at home such as leaves, conkers, acorns and pine cones and it was set up in a messy tray for children to explore using magnifying glasses. The children also…
Music instruments in Reception
We have been learning to play musical instruments in Reception such as shakers, bells, wooden blocks and triangles. The children were taught the signals to play the instruments loud and quiet and fast and slow. We then played the instruments along with singing our favourite Nursery rhymes.
Kindness in Reception
In Reception we have been learning about kindness after reading the story of, ‘I’m almost always kind’. We talked about what kind things we could do for each other, such as sharing, being a good friend, saying something nice to another person and being helpful. During a whole class session the…
Reception pet encounters
Today we had a special visit from Pet encounters who brought some of their lovely animals to see us. There was Henry the Parrrot, a snake, a tarantula, Cheese the mouse and Romeo and Juliet the cockroaches. Lots of children were very brave and held or stroked the animals. What fab visitors to have…
Our pebble families in Reception
We have been learning about our families in Reception and we created our own picture using different pebbles. The children decided what pebbles would be each family member due to size and shape. They even included their pets too.
Our first week in Reception
The children have settled in wonderfully this week and have been getting to know our class rules and routines. Well done Reception!
Reception at Lowther Castle
Reception went with Year 1 and 2 on our end of year trip to Lowther Castle. We played on slides, climbing frames, zip wires and even climbing nets. We wore our waterproofs as the weather was a little bit wet, but we still had a great time and even an outdoor picnic.
Reception athletes
As part of our gymnastics and athletes sessions with our sports coach, the children have been learning how to throw, hit and catch a ball. They have been learning how to throw under arm and over arm and catch a ball with one hand and two hands. They also learnt how to hit a ball along the floor…
Move up Day
Reception had a lovely morning in Year 1. We learnt where everything is in our new class. We loved playing in our new yard. Mrs Robson and Mrs Benn are looking forward to seeing you all in September.