Image of We're Going on a Minibeast Hunt
15 May 2018

We're Going on a Minibeast Hunt

Reception went on a minibeast hunt in the school grounds as part of their topic on 'Bugs and Minibeasts'. They investigated the different types of minibeasts that live in the school grounds and the different types of places they like to live.

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9 March 2018

Reception Star of the Week

Reception Star of the Week

Oliver Tyson

Well done, we're proud of you

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2 March 2018

Visit to Egremont library

Reception enjoyed a visit to Egremont library.

They were treated to a story and activity from a librarian.

The librarians praised the children's behaviour and the great care they took with the books.

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23 February 2018

Green fingers

Reception had a great time getting their green fingers dirty.

They are growing some yummy peas, cress and spinach as part of the Big Grow project.

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20 February 2018

Outdoor lessons

Reception made the most of the snow this morning.

They took their phonics lesson outdoors and used sticks to write the phoneme of the day in the snow.

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15 February 2018

The big bad wolf visit

The big bad wolf visited the Reception class.

He came to see if the houses they built were strong enough to withstand his huffing and puffing.

The children were very surprised by the results.

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20 November 2017

A day at Tullie House

Reception enjoyed an exciting day at Tullie House yesterday as part of their topic on traditional tales.

They took part in a creative session learning about castles. They had lots of fun exploring the museum,

dressing up, creating stories and making castles, shields and flags.

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5 November 2017


Reception children were learning about Chinese New Year as part of their work about celebrations.

They found out about some of the traditions, tasted some Chinese food, watched a video

of a dragon dance, ordered numbers on a Chinese dragon and made some lanterns.

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1 November 2017


Our Reception children thoroughly enjoyed Halloween in class yesterday.

They especially enjoyed practising their fine motor skills to paint designs on skulls.

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