Image of Y4 Volcano Animations
28 February 2019

Y4 Volcano Animations

Year 4 have been creating exploding Volcanoes on 2 animate. They had to create a series of slides progressively showing a volcano exploding. They were then able to play an animation of the volcano explosion!

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Image of Y4 Haiku’s
28 February 2019

Y4 Haiku’s

Year 4 have been writing Haiku’s about Volcanoes. They learnt that a Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that uses very few words but tries to draw a picture in the mind. It has 3 lines, rarely rhymes and follows a pattern of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third. They…

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Image of Y4 Volcanoes
14 February 2019

Y4 Volcanoes

As part of our topic on Volcanoes Emma made a volcano at home then brought all the ingredients into school to make it explode! She used washing up liquid, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and red and yellow food colouring. We all waited in anticipation as as it ‘exploded’! Well done…

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Image of Senior Citizens Lunch
13 February 2019

Senior Citizens Lunch

Senior Citizens from our Parish enjoyed their annual fish and chip lunch in school. Our year 6 children waited on and they were entertained by our KS2 choir singing a selection of hymns.



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Image of Y4 Library Visit
13 February 2019

Y4 Library Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their trip to the library. They listened to a story, learnt how to respect books and chose a new book to take home. Back in class they carried on their learning by looking at who the author and illustrator were, studying the blurb and using a dictionary to find the meaning of any…

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Image of Y4 cricket
11 February 2019

Y4 cricket

Y4 enjoyed their first session of cricket with Chad today. They learnt how to react quickly to instructions, how to bowl and finished off with a fun game of Quick Cricket!

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8 February 2019

Y4 Firework Maker’s Daughter


Year 4 are reading the Firework marker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. In English they read a description of the Water Goddess then drafted their own descriptions. These were edited and upgraded adding similes to enhance the description then copied into their English books in their best…

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Image of Y4 maths games
8 February 2019

Y4 maths games

As part of our maths day year 4 played some maths games. When they landed on a square they had to work out the calculation. The winner was the first to finish and answer all the questions correctly. They then went on to design and play their own maths games! 


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Image of Phunky Fit
6 February 2019

Phunky Fit

Year 3 and 4 enjoyed making healthy pizzas in Phunky Fit after school club. They used tortilla wraps for the base with a tomato or barbecue sauce topped with a choice of fresh vegetables and cheese!

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Image of Y5/6 Indoor Athletics
25 January 2019

Y5/6 Indoor Athletics

Y5/6 enjoyed taking part in Indoor Athletics today. They did a range of events including javelin, long jump, triple jump, vertical jump and chest push as well as a variety of running events! Well done for excellent team spirit!


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Image of School Council meeting
22 January 2019

School Council meeting

Our School Council met to discuss how we can make our school healthier. After discussions in all the classes lots of great ideas were put forward. Some of these included creating a ‘Fruit Tuck Shop’ for the juniors to encourage us to eat more fruit, guest runners to motivate us with our Mile-a-Day…

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Image of Y4 Mini Water Cycles
22 January 2019

Y4 Mini Water Cycles

Y4 made mini water cycles to help them understand how ‘The Water Cycle’ works. They planted cress seeds in compost in a plastic cup with a small amount of water added then covered the cup with cling film. After a while,  the water from the compost evaporated into water vapour. This rose up and…

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