Active Travel Week Spring Term 2023
We have all been trying to walk, cycle or scoot to school this week as part of Active Travel Week. As well as helping us get fitter, this cuts down on pollution and car congestion outside our school. Year 5 also had a turn at wearing the step trackers this week. The children tried to improve on…
Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors
Year 5 Phunky Foods Ambassadors gave an assembly today all about food waste. We learnt that everyday in the UK we throw away 24 million slices of bread, 5.9 million glasses of milk and 5.8 million potatoes. Our Ambassadors would like us all to try and waste less food by only serving up what we can…
Astronomer Visits Year 5
To enhance Year 5’s learning on ‘Earth and Space’ they had a talk from an amateur astronomer. They learnt all about star constellations, nebulas, supernovas and the planets. Mr. Hunt told them about the different types of telescopes you can use to study the sky at night and why we are lucky to…
Year 5 Saint Patrick’s Day
Year 5 went to church this morning to celebrate their class saint St. Patrick. Father Groody told us that St. Patrick was actually born within our own parish at Ravenglass in about the year 400 before he moved to Ireland. We finished the service with a wonderful rendition of ‘Hail Glorious Saint…
Year 5 Science Investigation
Year 5 carried out an investigation to see if they could make a sturdy structure out of uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows. They discovered that the more triangles they included in their structure the stronger and less wobbly it was. They also learnt about what STEM means and what jobs require…
World Maths Day 2023
On World Maths Day Year 5 learnt about how important maths is in everyday life. They looked at famous mathematicians (men and women) from the past and how they have helped shape the world we live in.
They also designed their own board games with lots of maths questions on to be answered…
Year 5 Wonder Dome
Y5 had a great time in the Wonderdome. They enjoyed watching a 3D film called ‘ We Are All Aliens’ and learnt lots of interesting facts about space. The session ended with a short film about the first moon landing followed by a scientifically accurate version of ‘ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’…
Year 5 World Book Day 2023
Year 5 have enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day 2023 and taking part in lots of book related activities. We designed a new book cover for the book we are reading ‘Boy in the Tower’ by Poly Ho-Yen. We also became synonym detectives and searched in the book for words with a similar meaning to the…
Year 5 Cyclewise 2023
Year 5 have had a great week completing Cyclewise. They have learnt lots of new skills to keep them safer when cycling on the roads. To enhance their safety further all the children designed and made a high visibility armband to wear when they are out on darker days.
Safer Internet Day 2022
We have been learning about the importance of taking time to talk about life online. We discussed what worries us, what we should do about it and if we had the power to fix one online safety issue what would it be and how would we do it.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2023
Today we wore bright coloured clothes to mark the end of Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year was ‘Let’s Connect’. We discussed how making connections with our friends, family, pets, neighbours and community can help with our mental health. These connections can make us feel…
Times Tables Rock Star NSPCC Challenge
KS2 took part in the NSPCC Times Table Rock Star challenge today. They all tried very hard to be the winning class with the highest number of correct answers per pupil. The speed and recall of some of the pupils was very impressive! A huge well done to everyone.