During Lent we have thought about how we can grow more like Jesus, so we have been even kinder to each other and more helpful.
This week we listened to the Story of Palm Sunday and The Last Supper. We cut out palm leaves and tried really hard to improve our cutlery skills! We have sequenced the Easter Story.
We looked at a raw egg and named the different parts of it. We decorated hard boiled eggs and talked about the changes to the egg when it was cooked. Then we thought about Easter traditions. We rolled the decorated eggs and took part in egg and spoon races. We even tried to throw and catch the eggs! We had lots of fun!
We made delicious chocolate nests which were magically filled with little chocolate eggs. Today, we have had an Easter Egg hunt and have been lucky to receive big Easter Eggs from the Governors. Thank you!
We hope you all have a lovely, happy Easter holiday!