As part of science week each class is researching an inspirational woman in science. Year 6 have learnt all about Maggie Aderin-Pocock and her amazing life time achievements. They learnt that she was born in London to Nigerian immigrants and about how she found school difficult because of her dyslexia. She soon developed a love of science and a particular fascination with the stars and space which evolved from her favourite childhood tv programme ‘The Clangers’. Maggie did not come from a wealthy family; she saved her pocket money to buy herself a telescope so that she could see the stars. She attended Imperial College, London and was awarded a BSc in Physics and. PhD in Mechanical Engineering. She has worked for the Ministry of Defence and in 2009 was honoured by the Queen as a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire making her Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE. Maggie is now the Managing Director or Science Innovations Ltd; her own company which strives to teach people about the wonders of stance to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Year 6 were truly inspired by her determination and resilience, showing how it is possible to achieve one’s dream in-spite of hardships.