As part of a history topic on the history of Whitehaven, the Year 2 children visited the Beacon Museum then later moved on to The Rum Story. Alan from the Beacon Museum showed them some of the artefacts that have been found in Whitehaven from the past including some materials that came from the mines. Afterwards he took them on a walk around the area surrounding the harbour and told them all about the history of the harbour and the mines. When the children had enjoyed a well earned lunch, they walked to The Rum Story. The guide showed them around the exhibit and taught them about the role of the Jefferson family in bringing sugar cane and rum to Whitehaven. They also found out how rum is made and some of them were brave enough to smell it. She was very surprised by the children’s knowledge and complimented them on their excellent listening skills. The day ended with the singing of a pirate song. What a wonderful way to learn about the local history!