This week in Nursery we have taken part in National School Sports Week.
We started the week off with some jumping and throwing. We then moved on and did some jogging and running, learning to start using “on your marks, get set, go!”
On Wednesday we were very lucky and got to out of Nursery on a walk to Egremont castle as part of our “Journeys” topic. We were able to practise crossing the road safely using “stop, look and listen”.
We then completed a bit of an obstacle course. First we had to hop scotch, then go through the hula hoop and finally sprint to the finish. We also enjoyed a game of stop and freeze and incorporated some star jumps, high jumps and hopping into it too.
On Thursday we took part in some races with Reception. We had a turn at the egg and spoon race and a jumping in hula hoops race. We learnt how to take turns and be part of a team.
Finally, Friday and our hardest challenge of the week … skipping. We took part in the ‘Big Skip’ event. Everyone tried really hard, learning how to skip.
What a busy week we have had in Nursery!