Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Cocoa Bean Factory this week. We have been reading “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” as a class text in English and studying changes in materials in Science and linked our trip to these topics. We had so much fun making our own chocolate bars, animals and marshmallow lollipops. We even had chocolate moustaches on our face. We all wore aprons and hairnets then washed our hands carefully to ensure good hygiene. We were really excited about tasting our yummy creations but managed to get them home safely. We also learnt about how chocolate was made through listening to a talk, handling cocoa beans and watching a video. During blindfolded chocolate tasting we had to guess what sort of chocolate we were eating and the most unusual one was bacon!
After this excitement we enjoyed lunch on the picnic benches and a quick play at the park before returning to the bus. Thanks for coming with us Mr and Mrs Stead!