Image of Kidz Fit in Y5/6
22 May 2023

Kidz Fit in Y5/6

The whole school have enjoyed a session with Kidz Fit. Years 5 and 6 worked together on a series of exercises including hula-hooping, different styles of jumping, one legged skipping and even some yoga! We learnt the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and by doing this it helps to keep our…

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Image of Year 1 and Year 6 Active Maths for Number Day
17 May 2023

Year 1 and Year 6 Active Maths for Number Day

Today for Number Day Year 1 and Year 6 joined together to take part in some ‘Active Maths’. Year 6 planned maths games and activities for Year 1 to enjoy.  Everyone enjoyed counting, adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying in creative ways.  It was fun learning and being active together.

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Image of Coronation Fun in Y6
9 May 2023

Coronation Fun in Y6

Y6 had a fun day to celebrate the Coronation. They enjoyed the bouncy castles, a buffet style street party, singing, entertainment and some dancing on the yard too. Overall, a fantastic day to mark a historic and special event!

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Image of Cricket in Y6
21 April 2023

Cricket in Y6

Y6 were delighted to welcome back Cricket Coach Matthew for their first PE cricket lesson of the Summer Term. They enjoyed practising catching and fielding. 

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Image of Y6 train with Olympian Chris Bennett
24 March 2023

Y6 train with Olympian Chris Bennett

The whole school were delighted to be joined by Olympic hammer thrower Chris Bennett. He came to talk to us about his achievements and the importance of determination and resilience in our lives. Y6 enjoyed a circuit of jumping jacks, spotty dogs, press ups and knee lifts. Hard work but brilliant…

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Image of Y6 Salad Making in D&T
23 March 2023

Y6 Salad Making in D&T

Y6 have been learning about the importance of foods which make our bodies function well with the right balance of nutrients, flavours and textures. We discovered that we eat with our eyes and our food needs to look appetising as well taste good. A range of our skills were put into practice as we…

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Image of Y6 Dissolving Investigation
17 March 2023

Y6 Dissolving Investigation

To mark British Science week, Y6 created a science investigation to discover the rate at which solids would dissolve in liquids. They worked in groups and discussed the different types of variables which would affect their investigation. They recognised and predicted that hot water would help…

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Image of Y6 D&T Does food affect the way you feel?
10 March 2023

Y6 D&T Does food affect the way you feel?

Y6 have been asking the question: does food affect the way you feel? They considered how the right sorts of carbohydrates can give you energy and improve performance as fuel for our bodies. Together they created a pasta sauce using onions, garlic and tomatoes with herbs then added pasta to it to…

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Image of Y6 celebrate World Maths Day with Y1
9 March 2023

Y6 celebrate World Maths Day with Y1

To celebrate World Maths Day, Y6 spent the afternoon with Y1 helping them to play Maths games and develop their counting and adding skills. 

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Image of Y6 visit the Wonder Dome
3 March 2023

Y6 visit the Wonder Dome

Y6 were absolutely thrilled to be treated to a session in the Wonder Dome - a mobile 3D planetarium. Once inside, they went on a journey to space and learned about how there could well be life on other planets. What an experience! 

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Image of Extreme Reading in Y6 for World Book Day
2 March 2023

Extreme Reading in Y6 for World Book Day

Y6 were set a World Book Day challenge: to find an area of the classroom where they could read in an u usual but quiet and focused way. They all enjoyed their favourite books in some weird and wonderful places and positions!

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Image of Y6 and Reception share stories together for World Book Day 2023
2 March 2023

Y6 and Reception share stories together for World Book Day 2023

Y6 spent a lovely afternoon with our Reception children sharing books and special stories. Our Y6s read to the younger children with real expression and enthusiasm. They enjoyed juice and a biscuit to round off a fantastic World Book Day. 

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